New and Noteworthy: Podcast pilot launch

How do we get “from here to there?”

Climate change is impacting the ways we get around. When it comes to transportation, climate adaptation is about changing how we think, and about making decisions today that will contribute to resilient transportation systems in the future. Given all the different ways the climate is changing, how will we get ‘from here to there?’ How can climate data help us manage uncertainty when assessing and adapting to risk in a warming world? is proud to announce the launch of a podcast pilot series called “From Here to There” that explores the stories of professionals who work with the transportation sector and shares their climate adaptation stories. Join us as we discuss the value of adaptation thinking and build curiosity about the potential of climate solutions in the transportation sector. Find out more about each episode below!

This podcast is geared toward those whose work supports decision-making across a broad spectrum of professions and locations, with a particular focus on the transportation sector. Across three episodes, you will hear stories that will inspire you to reframe how you think about adaptation. Tune in if you are a planner, engineer, analyst, technologist, manager, designer, responsible for maintenance, operation, or construction activities, or if you are simply a climate adaptation enthusiast. We’re all part of the wider climate adaptation story, and we all have a role to play in building resilience.


Episode 1: Toronto’s Streets

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English audio — Episode transcripts are available in both French and English


Episode 1 provides a primer on adaptation thinking, featuring a range of professionals who work with the transportation sector to help climate adapt Toronto’s streets. In this episode you’ll hear stories about:

  • The climate phenomena impacting Toronto’s streets including heat waves, extreme weather events, flooding, and urban heat islands
  • How adapting roads is about more than moving people from here to there – it’s also about how we move water. We look at the Queens Quay project as a great example of adapting Toronto’s streets using nature-based solutions
  • The people impacted by transit systems and how disruptions to transportation impact the experiences of immigrant women on the edges of the city

An introduction to adaptation thinking and how climate data services help transportation professionals as they design, plan, and maintain infrastructure.

Featured guests
  • Jane Welsh, Acting Project Manager for Environmental Planning in the Strategic Initiatives, Policy and Analysis unit of Toronto City Planning
  • Brent Raymond, Planner, Landscape Architect, and Partner at DTAH in Toronto, Ontario
  • Nabila Prayitno, PhD candidate and transit system researcher at the University of Waterloo
  • Trevor Murdock, climate scientist, Canadian Centre for Climate Services

Listen now or download a 2-page summary of Episode 1 in French and English.

Episode 2: Climate Risks Assessments and Climate Data

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English audio — Episode transcripts are available in both French and English


Episode 2 explores how professionals in Canada started organizing to acknowledge and integrate climate change into their thinking in a systematic way, and how the transportation sector can apply climate data to help manage future risks.

In this episode you’ll hear stories about:

  • Key turning points in the pathway to climate risk assessments over the past 20 years
  • Challenges and opportunities for using climate data services to support climate risk assessments, particularly within the transportation sector
  • Strategies for managing future uncertainty and applying what we know about climate projections
  • Examples of transportation-related projects in First Nations communities that have integrated a climate risk assessments process
Featured guests
  • Guy Félio, Infrastructure Management and Climate Resilience Specialist
  • Ryan Smith, Climatologist and Climate Service Specialist with the Canadian Centre for Climate Services

Listen now or download a 2-page summary of Episode 2 in French and English.

Episode 3: Adapting transportation through municipal regulations

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French audio — Episode transcripts are available in both French and English


Episode 3 explores the tools that municipalities can use to support the climate resilience of their transportation systems, and how Québec communities are already adapting to a warming world.

In this episode you’ll hear stories about:

  • The power of municipalities to regulate urban planning to improve resilience
  • Climate risks faced by Québec communities and the climate data services offered by Ouranos, a hub for innovation and dialogue on climate adaptation
  • How the Union of Municipalities in Québec (UMQ) helps prioritize climate adaptation interventions
  • Examples of how climate data can inform regulations and support adaptation in the transportation sector
  • How climate adaptation can reduce costs and risks in the long-term
Featured guests:
  • Isabelle Laterreur, Urban Planner at La Boîte d’urbanisme
  • Jean-François, Urban Planner at the Union des municipalités du Québec (UMQ)
  • Diane Chaumont, Scientific Information Integration Coordinator for Climate Portraits at Ouranos


Listen now or download a 2-page summary of Episode 3 in French and English.

Tune in today

We hope you enjoy listening to our pilot podcast episodes, and we encourage you to share the episodes with the people in your sphere. Contact us for access to shareable social media graphics or to arrange a lunch & learn event. Let’s continue sharing climate data and climate adaptation stories!

To learn more about how you can integrate climate data into your decision-making, explore the climate data tools and services available through, including our Support Desk, or reach out to our partner organizations for support.